
Posts Tagged ‘imprison’

Watching a very good movie is one way of killing time inside the airplane whenever you have a long flight. I wanted to relax my mind from all my business concern and I choose to express my “kiddie” side by watching Kung Fu Panda. I watched it five times, going back and forth to Israel, Jordan and Dubai.

It’s simply all about a big fat panda named Po who wanted to be a Dragon Warrior (Kung Fu Master). One thing that I like about this movie is the expression of perseverance in the midst of odds. Second is the greatness of humility. Truly humility always uplift the person’s character in every aspect of life. And lastly, surprises in an unexpected packaging, because it’s easy to see ugliness before beauty, and weaknesses before strength.

When you hear about “Dragon Warrior”, I ask you… What will you imagine? Tell me? A hunk warrior like the Scorpion King? A great wu shu champion and actor like Jet Li. Or Chow Yun Fat in his amazing crouching tiger techniques? Perhaps your favorite karate actor whoever he is. But here, everybody was disappointed seeing the dragon warrior in a persona of a BIG! FAT! PANDA!, and take note! He knew nothing about kung fu.

But the old turtle (Tai-Long)that played the great Tai- Chi Kung Fu Master told Po’s mentor, “There are no accidents, all you need is to BELIEVE.” The phrase really smack my heart… ALL YOU NEED IS TO BELIEVE… THERE IS NO ACCIDENT… ALL YOU NEED IS TO BELIEVE…

One pre-requisite for you to be able to fully acquire the title of being a dragon warrior is for you to have the dragon scroll. By having this scroll, it will give you great powers! However, when they opened the dragon scroll, they see none but a reflection of themselves.

Ah! Nobodr-noodlesy understood! Until Po’s father (duck) told him… my son… “The secret to my secret ingredient noodle is NOTHING!” Then, Po realized that there is no secret ingredient to be someone. There is no secret to be a great dragon warrior. All you need to do is to believe that you can! That you are capable! That you are special, that you are unique.

Often, people strangle us in many ways whether emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual. Everybody has a piece of cake in this world. The invalidation and punitive words from our parents, sibling, teacher, co-workers, society, etc., are too much to carry that sometime we just want to jump in the bridge and end our lives. Or conceivably rebel and be a delinquent individual. Not knowing that at the end, we end up losers. These powerful words of disapproval and invalidation can create a wound in our heart and soul. And the wound, far deeper than any other physical injury, takes a long time to heal unless we accept and open ourselves to forgiveness as we bless the past event in our lives. Then, that’s the time to claim healing and move one step forward.

These wounds of invalidation that resulted to low self-esteem, if not supported by good friends and family, can trap and chain your entire being with a heavy iron block (it’s a metaphor of course). As if it is literally chaining your neck, your hands, your chest, your legs and your feet for ages! You can never reach even your self–concept and be someone you would like to be if you imprison yourself of resentment, hatred and traditions. All these dries up the bone. For your worst enemy is yourself. And your best friend is… yourself! How about getting use to befriend the other self, what I mean is befriending the worst in you. In this way, you’ll be a balance individual because you are aware of your strength and weaknesses. Awareness of the SELF is your tool to empowerment. (Go get that dragon scroll okay!)

As for me, let me share with you an approach that I usually do whenever I will be in a situation that will made my spirit droop. I usually create an invincible wall in front of me. Even as I look straight in the eye with the person who is throwing sharp arrow words that can truly wound my soul. Why will I allow him to do such thing on me? I choose not to allow him. I will not let his words of invalidation penetrate my heart. I’ll let his words of cursing hit and break the invincible wall that is in front of me before it hit me. My next step is to smile at him as if nothing happened. I support his anger because I don’t need those negative energies anyway. If it will make him happy to curse me, so be it. But the keyword is by NOT ALLOWING TO PENETRATE the heart.

I have the power to choose! And I have the power to be what I want to be. To be someone who is unique. We can create greater possibilities if we will change the way we think in a very healthy attitude and having a very good mental hygiene. That is authenticity! And one thing that kept my feet on the ground is my relationship with our universal Divine that is very important, to keep up the day by day struggle in life. “IGNORE the little devils and they will end up powerless over you.”

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